Monday, 07 August 2017 05:00
Introducing the Beginner Investor Educational Series
Written by Jerry H.
I will be creating a free educational series to teach YOU about the basics of investing your money and how to get started no matter if you have an initial investment of $1,000, $10,000, or more. The topics will be relevant to everybody who has just started working or is in the prime of their working lives. I may give specific examples that may be more relevant to Delayed Earners such as physicians.
Published in
Beginner Investor
Monday, 07 August 2017 10:00
Before You Start Investing, You Should Create An Emergency Fund
Written by Jerry H.
What is an Emergency Fund? As the name implies, an emergency fund is specifically saved for an emergency. This could be due to many unforeseen circumstances, such as medical bills, a car malfunctioning, a pipe burst at home, etc. These can be very expensive bills that need to be paid in a relatively short time. Thus, your emergency fund needs to be (close to) immediately accessible. Another way to say this is that it needs to be liquid.
Published in
Beginner Investor
Wednesday, 09 August 2017 12:00
Why Should You Start Investing Immediately? The Magic Of Compound Interest
Written by Jerry H.
When it comes to compound interest, time could be your best friend... IF you start investing EARLY. The more time time you allow your investments to grow, the more they will compound and earn substantial returns. Many people forego investing for retirement while they are in training, with the rationale of: "I can start investing when I am an attending." I will show you why this thinking could potentially cost you millions of dollars in the future.
Published in
Beginner Investor